Best School To Be Your Sons and Daughters' Learning

The 4 Best Tahfizh Schools In East Java Recommended In 2017 - 2018

Starting the new school year is near and just counting a few more days. Surely, parents need to ponder about the fate of his son's education. This year, Islamic schools can be a reference because this is the moment of development of Islamic schools. Seeing the news in both electronic and paper media, academic achievements of Islamic schools have dared to compete with public schools. Among the big 5, there must be one Islamic school.
This year, Tahfizh school is one of the top Islamic schools. This type of school may reenact a new school but this year the echoes are so raging in the country. What's more, many broadcast television broadcast talent search events in the field of the Quran. This makes Tahfizh school more and more popular.
In the past, people learned to memorize the Quran with focus requirement. Many of them consider that Qur'an memorizers have a weak tendency in the academic field. It turned out that was the wrong perception. Tahfizh school's learning methods and techniques are now advanced. Many of the champions who won the race and the game were Alhafizh. What's more in thought, people who memorized the Quran have a powerful memorization making it easy to think of knowledge.
Since the largest Islamic base in Indonesia is East Java, more Tahfizh schools appear in this area. Many institutions, foundations, and boarding schools are competing to establish Tahfizh schools. Otherwise, the qualified schools are few. More of them are those with good SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). They also have partners who guide them in consistent academic and Tahfizh achievements.

Here are the top 4 Tahfizh high schools in East Java:
1. MAIT Darul Fikri Sidoarjo
MAIT Darul Fikri Sidoarjo is one of the best schools in East Java that should be a reference for those of you who want to send your children to Tahfizh school. This school is a new school that was born from the previous school's achievement of SMPIT Darul Fikri Sidoarjo which has many achievements in the field of Tahfizh, Religious, and Academic.
The flagship program offered is so tempting to the audiences, especially education observers. The school that has two majors namely Science and Religion has a high quality assurance. Quality Assurance (QA) offered includes Hafal 30 Juz (Religious Program) and 15 juz (Science Program), Active Arabic and English speaking with TOEFL 450, Active Speech, Accepted at the best universities at home and abroad.
2. SMAIT Al-Uswah
AL-Uswah Tahfizh School Surabaya is also the best school with a focus on learning the Koran. Many programs are offered from Quran recitation learning with the latest method to acceleration program. The quality assurances also offers successful college entrance guarantee. This means students will be guided to the university they choose.
This school is also a lot of achievement incised. From academic to Tahfizh program is quite proud. There are many medals and trophies that students have donated to the alma mater. This school is suitable for your son who has the soul of competition.

3. SMA Insan Cendekia Mandiri Boarding School – Sidoarjo
Insan Cendekia Mandiri Boarding school is a large school with a quality Tahfizh program. Indeed, the excellence of this school is famous for its unique building is very large and large. Existing facilities become quality assurance. Of course your son and daughter will be happy with the complete learning and play facilities.
Students' learning is focused on character, achievement, religious, and leadership learning. Output of a visionary leader becomes a leading segment developed in each side of learning. However Tahfizhnya program is quite superior because it has a qualified educator who is a graduate from the best universities.
4. SMA Al-Irsyad Surabaya
SMA AL-Irsyad is a superior school in Surabaya which has a pretty good Tahfizh program. The most famous learning culture is reading the Quran before the Learning Activity takes place. Indeed this school is packed only in the form of Full Day, not boarding, but the quality assurance provided is the real learning outcomes. It awakens from a high consistent culture in everyday life.


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